The mongo4cats-zio
module defines type aliases and constructors which replace Cats Effect and FS2 with ZIO and
ZIO-Streams, respectively.
Similarly, mongo4cats-zio-embedded
brings in embedded MongoDB runner implemented with ZIO effects. This provides more
ergonomic way of integrating MongoDB with ZIO 2.
To get access to ZMongoClient
, ZMongoDatabase
and ZMongoCollection
type aliases, the following dependency needs to
be added:
libraryDependencies += "io.github.kirill5k" %% "mongo4cats-zio" % "<version>"
ZIO-compatible Embedded MongoDB can be brought in with:
libraryDependencies += "io.github.kirill5k" %% "mongo4cats-zio-embedded" % "<version>"
Next, all the essential classes will be available from:
import mongo4cats.zio._
Connecting to a database and accessing collections
To establish a connection with a database, we need to create a ZMongoClient
Once the client is built, this will give us access to its databases. Furthermore, with ZMongoDatabase
we'll be able to
browse document collections in the database.
import mongo4cats.zio._
val client = ZLayer.scoped[Any](ZMongoClient.fromConnectionString("mongodb://localhost:27017"))
val database = ZLayer.fromZIO(ZIO.serviceWithZIO[ZMongoClient](_.getDatabase("my-db")))
val collection = ZLayer.fromZIO(ZIO.serviceWithZIO[ZMongoDatabase](_.getCollection("docs")))
Embedded MongoDB
ZIO-based embedded MongoDB is available from:
import mongo4cats.zio.embedded._
To use it in tests (or anywhere else), just extend EmbeddedMongo
import mongo4cats.bson._
import mongo4cats.bson.syntax._
import mongo4cats.zio._
import mongo4cats.zio.embedded.EmbeddedMongo
import zio._
import zio.test._
import zio.test.Assertion._
object ZMongoCollectionSpec extends ZIOSpecDefault with EmbeddedMongo {
override def spec = suite("A ZMongoCollection")(
test("should store and retrieve documents") {
withRunningEmbeddedMongo("localhost", 27017) {
.serviceWithZIO[ZMongoDatabase] { db =>
for {
coll <- db.getCollection("coll")
doc = Document("_id" := ObjectId.gen)
insertResult <- coll.insertOne(doc)
result <- coll.find.all
} yield assert(result)(equalTo(List(doc)))