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Indexes support efficient execution of queries in MongoDB as well as allow efficient sorting, some additional capabilities like unique constraints and geospatial search, and more.

MongoCollection[F, T] supports several ways of creating an index on a field (or multiple fields). The simplest one would be calling createIndex method and passing defined index specification object:

import mongo4cats.operations.Index

val result: IO[String] = collection.createIndex(Index.ascending("field"))

To create a compound index, multiple specifications can be combined together:

import mongo4cats.operations.Index

val compoundIndex = Index.ascending("field1").descending("field2")

// or by just combining 2 indexes together
val index1 = Index.ascending("field1")
val index2 = Index.descending("field2")
val compoundIndex = index1.combinedWith(index2)

If some additional configuration required, createIndex has an overloaded variant which accepts options object:

import mongo4cats.operations.Index
import mongo4cats.models.collection.IndexOptions

val index = Index.ascending("name", "email")
val options = IndexOptions().unique(true)
val result: IO[String] = collection.createIndex(index, options)

Alternatively, indexes can be creating by using builders from the standard MongoDB Java library:

import com.mongodb.client.model.Indexes

val index = Indexes.compoundIndex(Indexes.ascending("field1"), Indexes.ascending("field2"))
val result: IO[String] = collection.createIndex(index)