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Working with documents

MongoDB stores data records as BSON documents. BSON is a binary representation of JSON objects, though it contains more data types than JSON.

Documents are composed of key-and-value pairs, where keys are represented as regular strings and values can be any of the BSON data types, including other documents, arrays, and arrays of documents.

Creating new documents

A document can be created by using one of the available constructor methods in Document companion object:

import mongo4cats.bson.{BsonValue, Document, ObjectId}
import java.time.Instant

val doc: Document = Document(
"_id" -> BsonValue.objectId(ObjectId.gen),
"null" -> BsonValue.Null,
"string" -> BsonValue.string("str"),
"int" ->,
"boolean" -> BsonValue.boolean(true),
"double" -> BsonValue.double(2.0),
"int" ->,
"long" -> BsonValue.long(1660999000L),
"dateTime" -> BsonValue.instant(,
"array" -> BsonValue.array(BsonValue.string("item1"), BsonValue.string("item2"), BsonValue.string("item3")),
"nestedDocument" -> BsonValue.document(Document("field" -> BsonValue.string("nested")))

To avoid having a need for wrapping every value in BsonValue, additional syntax can be imported from mongo4cats.bson.syntax package, which will enable automatic conversion of key-value pairs into bson with := method:

import mongo4cats.bson.syntax._

val doc: Document = Document(
"_id" := ObjectId.gen,
"null" := BsonValue.Null,
"string" := "str",
"int" := 1,
"boolean" := true,
"double" := 2.0,
"int" := 1,
"long" := 1660999000L,
"dateTime" :=,
"array" := List("item1", "item2", "item3"),
"nestedDocument" := Document("field" := "nested")

Updating documents

Documents are immutable in nature, therefore adding a new value to a document will result in creation of a new document. There are several methods available for updating documents:

val updatedDoc1 = doc.add("newField" -> BsonValue.string("string"))
val updatedDoc2 = doc.add("newField" -> "string")
val updatedDoc3 = doc += ("anotherNewField" -> BsonValue.instant(ts))
val updatedDoc4 = doc += ("anotherNewField" := 1)

Retrieving values

Internally, all field values are stored as BsonValue. To retrieve a value by key, several variations of get methods exist:

val stringField1: Option[BsonValue] = doc.get("string")
val stringField2: Option[String] = doc.getString("string")
val stringField3: Option[String] = doc.getAs[String]("string")

val arrayField1: Option[BsonValue] = doc.get("array")
val arrayField2: Option[List[BsonValue]] = doc.getList("array")
val arrayField3: Option[List[String]] = doc.getAs[List[String]]("array")

val nestedField1: Option[BsonValue] = doc.getNested("nestedDocument.field")
val nestedField2: Option[String] = doc.getNestedAs[String]("nestedDocument.field")

If a requested value is not present in the document, an empty option will be returned.