Given that MongoDB stores data records as BSON documents, which bear a lot of similarities to a traditional JSON objects, Circe (and other JSON libraries) can be used for deriving codecs for converting Scala case class into documents.
To enable Circe support, a dependency has to be added in the build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.github.kirill5k" %% "mongo4cats-circe" % "<version>"
Once the dependency is in, automatic derivation of MongoDB codecs can be enabled by including the following import:
import mongo4cats.circe._
includes several functions for deriving bson value encoders and decoders from provided Circe codecs, as well codecs for converting some special data types (ObjectId and dates) to MongoDB's specific bson representations.
JSON to BSON conversions
Assuming there are instances of Encoder[T]
and Decoder[T]
available in the implicit scope, a class T
can be converted to a bson value and back:
import mongo4cats.bson.{Document, ObjectId}
import mongo4cats.circe._
import mongo4cats.bson.syntax._
import java.time.Instant
final case class MyClass(
_id: ObjectId,
dateField: Instant,
stringField: String,
intField: Int,
longField: Long,
arrayField: List[String],
optionField: Option[String]
val myClass = MyClass(
_id = ObjectId.gen,
dateField =,
stringField = "string",
intField = 1,
longField = 1660999000L,
arrayField = List("item1", "item2"),
optionField = None
val doc = Document("_id" := ObjectId.gen, "myClasses" := List(myClass))
val jsonString = doc.toJson
// "_id": {
// "$oid": "6300e54d64332103430291d3"
// },
// "myClasses": [
// {
// "_id": {
// "$oid": "6300e54d64332103430291d2"
// },
// "dateField": {
// "$date": "2022-08-20T13:44:45.736Z"
// },
// "stringField": "string",
// "intField": 1,
// "longField": 1660999000,
// "arrayField": [
// "item1",
// "item2"
// ],
// "optionField": null
// }
// ]
val retrievedMyClasses = doc.getAs[List[MyClass]]("myClasses")
//Some(List(MyClass(6300e54d64332103430291d2,2022-08-20T13:44:45.736633Z,string,1,1660999000,List(item1, item2),None)))
Deriving codecs for collections
In order to be able to derive codecs for case classes and use them with collections, we need to build an instance of MongoCodecProvider[T]
This can be done automatically on the fly or manually by creating codec provider with deriveCirceCodecProvider
function, assuming there are instances of Encoder[T]
and Decoder[T]
available in the implicit scope:
import mongo4cats.codecs.MongoCodecProvider
import mongo4cats.circe._
object MyClass {
implicit val myClassCodecProvider: MongoCodecProvider[MyClass] = deriveCirceCodecProvider
To use it with MongoCollection
, codec provider needs to be added to the codec registry:
import cats.effect.IO
import mongo4cats.collection.MongoCollection
val collection: IO[MongoCollection[IO, MyClass]] = database.getCollectionWithCodec[MyClass]("mycoll")