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Embedded MongoDB

The main goal of mongo4cats-embedded module is to provide a way of making quick and easy connections to a database instance that will be disposed afterwards. One of the use-cases for such scenarios is unit testing where you would just need to make 1 or 2 connections to a fresh database instance to test your queries and be done with it.

To enable embedded-mongo support, a dependency has to be added in the build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.kirill5k" %% "mongo4cats-embedded" % "<version>"

Once the dependency is added, the embedded-mongodb can be brought in by extending EmbeddedMongo trait from mongo4cats.embedded package:

import cats.effect.IO
import mongo4cats.bson.Document
import mongo4cats.bsom.syntax._
import mongo4cats.client.MongoClient
import mongo4cats.embedded.EmbeddedMongo
import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AsyncWordSpec

class WithEmbeddedMongoSpec extends AsyncWordSpec with Matchers with EmbeddedMongo {

// by default, MongoDB instance will be accessible on 27017 port, which can be overridden:
override val mongoPort: Int = 12345

"A MongoCollection" should {
"create and retrieve documents from a db" in withRunningEmbeddedMongo {
MongoClient.fromConnectionString[IO]("mongodb://localhost:12345").use { client =>
for {
db <- client.getDatabase("testdb")
coll <- db.getCollection("docs")
testDoc = Document("Hello" := "World!")
_ <- coll.insertOne(testDoc)
foundDoc <- coll.find.first
} yield foundDoc mustBe Some(testDoc)

// or connection properties can be passed explicitly
"start instance on different port" in withRunningEmbeddedMongo("localhost", 12355) {
MongoClient.fromConnectionString[IO]("mongodb://localhost:12355").use { client =>
for {
db <- client.getDatabase("testdb")
coll <- db.getCollection("docs")
testDoc = Document("Hello" := "World!")
_ <- coll.insertOne(testDoc)
foundDoc <- coll.find.first
} yield foundDoc mustBe Some(testDoc)